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Founded in 1979, JSA Architects has established a strong reputation locally and throughout the UK for high quality architecture across a spectrum of building types for both new build and refurbishment projects.
JSA Architects has the aim of delivering high quality and efficient design solutions. JSA has significant experience of working in consultation with clients and planning authorities as well as specialist consultants to underpin an exemplary service which focuses on delivery and quality assurance.
Our client base includes major UK plc’s, hotel and leisure organisations, property investment companies, residential developers along with Local Authorities and private clients. JSA is currently involved in the production of over 500 residential units and have recently completed a Holiday Inn hotel in Reading and received planning consent for a large extension to a Grade 2* Listed building in Cheshire.
Amongst our more recent awards, JSA received Best Residential Development in Runnymede for our residential scheme in St. Judes Road Egham.
To ensure a comprehensive service to our clients, the architectural team has been expanded to incorporate other core disciplines, namely, town planning, project management and energy consultants, to provide well considered, managed and sustainable solutions all to a high level of design.
Our Team
Fran Pullan
Planning Assistant/ Office Manager
Jack Newman
Architect ARB
BA (Hons) Architecture, M.Arch, Pg.Dip
David Seaman
Consultant Architect
BA (Hons) Architecture, Dip Arch, RIBA, ARB
Projects Consultant