Home > Projects > Private Housing > Residential Development - St Ives
New Dwelling
A new dwelling in Cookham Dean near the River Thames.
Client: Private Client
Status: Planning APPROVED November 2019
Located centrally within a secluded plot our client’s existing dwelling is designed to take advantage of the change in levels of the open views across its substantial rear garden and towards the River Thames. A substantial detached property with an overall set across two split levels. A key design rationale to meet our clients’ accommodation requirements within a similar building footprint and building envelope to the existing house was to develop a scheme which not only met our clients space requirements but also had an acceptable impact on the Green Belt, on neighbouring properties and the Cookham Dean Conservation Area. JSA designed a scheme to remove the existing 1970’s property and replace it with a striking example of modern design to enhance this part of the Conservation Area. The replacement dwelling utilises the sloping topography of the site to provide an additional floor of habitable accommodation whilst maximising the existing views towards the River Thames and open countryside providing a contemporary family home which is suitable for 21st Century living.
The proposed palette of materials is intentionally restrained, helping to create a simple yet contemporary façade. The careful use of a light coloured render and stained timber boarding at first floor level and helps break up the elevations reducing the overall mass of the building. A cantilevered bathroom at first floor level and projecting glazed balconies also help provide further articulation to the rear elevation with use of a contemporary fenestration (including large aluminium windows and bi- fold doors) adding further visual interest to the property.